
- 芦川雄二

Yuji Ashikawa | 芦川雄二
"Reintroducing the Female Image ~女性像の再生~”

High-Low, 2020
Oil, mixed media, paper, panel / 油、ミクストメディア、紙、パネル
41 x 27.3 cm

Text, 2020
Oil, mixed media, paper, panel / 油、ミクストメディア、紙、パネル
27.3 x 41cm

Shadow, 2020
Oil, mixed media, paper, panel / 油、ミクストメディア、紙、パネル
41 x 27.3 cm

Every exhibition is alway a journey through some kind of emotions. “The Reintroducing of the Female Image” by a Japanese artist Yuji Ashikawa is a sincere celebration of the female and the aura surrounding her body.
Red Sofa, 2020
Oil, mixed media, paper, panel / 油、ミクストメディア、紙、パネル
27.3 x 41cm
In Blue, 2020
Oil, mixed media, paper, panel / 油、ミクストメディア、紙、パネル
27.3 x 41cm

Sitting on a Wooden Chest, 2017
Oil, mixed media, paper / 油、ミクストメディア、紙
金属フレーム: 43 x 35 cm

Geometric Model, 2019
Oil, mixed media, paper / 油、ミクストメディア、紙
金属フレーム: 43 x 35 cm

The main theme in the artist's works which he has developed over his long career is a generalized female image within one spirit but nevertheless subtly different. The nature of Ashikawa paintings absorbs the viewer into the world of his models without faces but with defiant curvy silhouettes. Yet, at the same time, there is not even a hint of vulgarity in bared bodies and visions of flash.

Half-turn Woman, 2019
Oil, mixed media, paper / 油、ミクストメディア、紙
金属フレーム: 43 x 35 cm

lacy Shadows, 2020
Oil, mixed media, paper / 油、ミクストメディア、紙
41x 27.3cm

On a Blue Pillow, 2019
Oil, mixed media, paper / 油、ミクストメディア、紙
金属フレーム: 43 x 35 cm

Ashikawa uses strong outlines and harsh contrasts of light and dark, and hard lines for depicting the body. Thus he creates the distorted effect further heightened by the contorted pose. Through his exploration of direct expression, impactful visual forms and instinctual appeal Ashikawa tries to stimulate the viewer to concentrate on the aesthetic side of the picture and deeply feel the meaning. Each time Ashikawa shows his models in a variety of poses and moods, masterfully presenting ambience with the color and texture of the paint. The complexity and profundity of the colour palette, especially the deep scarlet and sudden intervention of blue with white, create a resplendently sensual texture. Often in order to upgrade the light effect the artist mixes the sand with paint and it works as the magical fairy dust. The artist emphasizes the expressive potential of color, employing it arbitrarily, not based on an object’s natural appearance.
Artist's palette

Brush strokes
details of artworks
Textured surface

Oil on cardboard

Multilayer paint

Silhouettes, shadows and light

Striped Background, 2020
Oil, mixed media, paper / 油、ミクストメディア、紙
41x 27.3cm

Lilac and Blue, 2014
Oil, mixed media, paper / 油、ミクストメディア、紙
金属フレーム: 43 x 35 cm

Ad Ovo, 2020
Oil, mixed media, paper / 油、ミクストメディア、紙
金属フレーム: 43 x 35 cm

Model on a Red Sofa, 2020
Oil, mixed media, paper / 油、ミクストメディア、紙
金属フレーム: 43 x 35 cm

The whole series is a story about his object of appreciation in various guises.
It is about finding the desirable and beautiful, elegant and vibrant ideal of sensuality.
It is that nebulous thing that we can never describe, but absolutely know when it is there.

Street Art Girl, 2021
Oil, mixed media, paper, panel / 油、ミクストメディア、紙、パネル
41 x 27.3 cm

Sketches made by the artist at the Barcelona's cafe
ink pen, coffee, paper
Artist's signature